The Chalice

The Chalice

Angela watched as the priest raised the chalice of wine – oops, no, the blood of Christ – high, then lowered it and drained it. She’d always had a private twinge of doubt about the absoluteness of the transubstantiation doctrine, despite being raised as a cradle...
The Warmth Of Ice

The Warmth Of Ice

Rhys rolled himself up as tightly as he could in the threadbare covering that was more rag than blanket. The alley was cold and damp, but at least the tall buildings on either side shielded him from the worst of the driving rain and gusty wind. Again and yet again he...
The Journey of Life

The Journey of Life

Life is a test for every human being, and it is an opportunity for each one of us to seize as we see fit. We have the option to be in life only as a passive passers­by, or to leave behind us a trail for others to follow. We are in this world as guests, and as guests...
A Lucky Escape

A Lucky Escape

© Priscilla Kampi, text and illustrations Mentored by Frederick Tebigwayo, Director, Tenda Junior School, near Jinja, Uganda, Africa Inspiration by Felicity Keats Morrison and Nicola Rodda Featured Image (cover)  © Nicola Rodda  (Illustration by Priscilla Kampi,...
The Little Money Sack

The Little Money Sack

… this is the beginnings of a children’s story about the process and proceeds of savings – not something on which I am actually particularly well qualified to pontificate, but maybe I meant to to be as much as lesson to myself as to any young readers… Once...
An Unexpected Gift

An Unexpected Gift

Richard shifted nervously from one foot to the other as he stood on the drab light grey stone steps of Lillian’s house. His hand hovered over the shiny brass knocker, the only bright spot on an equally drab darker grey door. All the other houses in the street were the...